Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Georgia Governor Nathan Deal said recently that caution should be taken regarding the state legislature's efforts to curb illegal immigration in the state, saying that he doesn't want Georgia to create any undue burden on employers. At least a more moderate tone among the Republicans that understand that it is a huge burden on many businesses to enroll in E-Verify that is proposed to be mandated for example.
Deal said that there were questions about the reliability and accuracy of E-Verify, and while he said that he has not taken a position on either Senate Bill 40 or House Bill 87, but suggested Tuesday that Georgia has limits on what it can do.
I commented on SB40 and HB87 earlier this month in my blog, and said even if it does pass (and not stricken down as unconstitutional), it will create an undue burden on all employers in the state of Georgia.
Deal insinuated that the legislature should be mindful that it must do 'what is within the power of the state to do' and 'to try to facilitate those who are trying to abide by the law and not become an undue burden on those who are trying to do what is right.'
He also opposed carving out certain employers (such those who use H-2B and H-1B visas) from the pool and giving them special rights.

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